

Perhaps starting off showing off the typographic features is best left to long paragraphs of text, which not only set the tone for the features to come, but also offer a contrast to the big burly blocks of heading texts.

What Aegis offers in typography is carefully proportioned text and header texts of all forms.

H1 - Largest Heading

H2 - Slightly Smaller one

H3 - You'd use this more

H4 - Small Heading

H5 - Tiny Heading


Paragraphs, as already shown above, are the centerpiece of any website. To demonstrate the paragraph styles, here is a short snippet of literature presented in a 13px font-size with a line-height of 21px. In ems, this line-height would come to 1.62em.


by Isaac Asimov (an excerpt)

"The atomic bombs," returned the Astronomer, "need not be the end of civilization. These visitors of mine had their atomic bomb, or whatever their equivalent was on their own worlds, and survived it, because they didn't give up. Don't you see? It wasn't the bomb that defeated us, but our own shell shock. This may be the last chance to reverse the process."

"Tell me," said the Industrialist, "what do these friends from space want in return?"

The Astronomer hesitated. He said, "I will be truthful with you. They come from a denser planet. Ours is richer in the lighter atoms."

"They want magnesium? Aluminum?"

"No, sir. Carbon and hydrogen. They want coal and oil."


The Astronomer said, quickly, "You are going to ask why creatures who have mastered space travel, and therefore atomic power, would want coal and oil. I can't answer that."

The Industrialist smiled. "But I can. This is the best evidence yet of the truth of your story. Superficially, atomic power would seem to preclude the use of coal and oil. However, quite apart from the energy gained by their combustion they remain, and always will remain, the basic raw material for all organic chemistry. Plastics, dyes, pharmaceuticals, solvents. Industry could not exist without them, even in an atomic age. Still, if coal and oil are the low price for which they would sell us the troubles and tortures of racial youth, my answer is that the commodity would be dear if offered gratis."

The Astronomer sighed and said, "There are the boys!"

They were visible through the open window, standing together in the grassy field and lost in animated conversation. The Industrialist's son pointed imperiously and the Astronomer's son nodded and made off at a run toward the house.

The Industrialist said, "There is the Youth you speak of. Our race has as much of it as it ever had."


Lists are perhaps one of the most used elements in online typography after paragraphs. Here are the different styles aegis offers you:

Unordered Lists

Unordered lists or ul are the ones having a plain listing without any particular order or preference given to the items.

  • Step 1: Add a <ul> tag
  • Step 2: Add a <li> tag
  • Step 3: Write Text in <li>

Ordered Lists

Ordered lists ol, on the other hand, have their items arranged in ordered manner.

  1. Number 1
  2. Number 2
  3. Number 3

Unstyled or No-List

Many times, those pesky little dots and margins need to be removed, for example in a menu listing, or as in the sidebar here. For those times, add a .no-list class to your ul or ol lists.

  • To use an unstyled list, write ul
  • Add a no-list class to it
  • And voilĂ !
<ul class="no-list">

Inline Lists

Inline lists, handy in navbars.

  • Inline
  • Lists
  • Make
  • Horizontal
  • Menus
  • Fun
  • Innit
<ul class="inline">

Code Highlighting

You also get a simple background highlighting for inline-code and code-blocks. (todo) The code-highlighting itself is provided thanks to CodeMirror. To use, just wrap a code within a <pre> block.

Inline Code

To get monospaced and highlighted code, wrap a piece of text in <code> tag.

Writing HTML is a breeze with SublimeText.

Block Code

Similarly, just wrap your code snippet within a <pre> tab to get a block of code.

(function() {
  alert("To show this code, wrap this code in a <pre> tag!"
  code... code... code

Utility Classes

There are several utility classes provided which can be used to modify the default behaviour of the text.


Use alignment classes to realign the text blocks.

The Industrialist smiled. "But I can. This is the best evidence yet of the truth of your story.

Superficially, atomic power would seem to preclude the use of coal and oil.

However, quite apart from the energy gained by their combustion they remain, and always will remain, the basic raw material for all organic chemistry. Plastics, dyes, pharmaceuticals, solvents.

The Industrialist smiled. "But I can. This is the best evidence yet of the truth of your story. Superficially, atomic power would seem to preclude the use of coal and oil. However, quite apart from the energy gained by their combustion they remain, and always will remain, the basic raw material for all organic chemistry. Plastics, dyes, pharmaceuticals, solvents.

<p class="text-left">...</p>
<p class="text-center">...</p>
<p class="text-right">...</p>
<p class="text-justify">...</p>

B & I

Text can be emboldened with <strong> or <b>, and italicized using either <em> or <i> tags.

"Tell me," said the Industrialist, "what do these friends from space want in return?"

The Astronomer hesitated. He said, "I will be truthful with you. They come from a denser planet. Ours is richer in the lighter atoms."

"They want magnesium? Aluminum?"

"No, sir. Carbon and hydrogen. They want coal and oil."


<em>"what do these friends from space want in return?"</em>
<i>"Tell me,"</i>