Aegis css framework

To start using Aegis, download the compiled and minified css. Include the css in your project, and start designing. If you plan to also use the Aegis javascript plugins, then don't forget to include jQuery in your html. Aegis requires jQuery for animations and rendering advanced form elements.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab the latest version of Aegis and get going! You can also have a look at project source files if you want to customize or contribute to its development.


Aegis is listed on bower now. You can directly start using it with this command:

bower install aegis --save

To use Aegis in your project, link to the css and js files as such:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<path-to-css>/aegis.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<path-to-js>/jquery.js"></script>

A Small Note

The js plugins are in development, therefore you won't find a download button for them. But in case you want to try them, you can always
download the plugins manually.

As long as Aegis is in alpha, keep an eye out for future changes which may (or may not) break your page styles and cause apocalypse. We invite you to contribute to the project if you want to accelerate the pace of development (or to prevent apocalypse and be called a hero). Once the framework has matured, we'll come out with a stable version for you.

Have Fun